Monday, March 1, 2010

Above the Clouds

It was stormy last Friday and rain is predicted for tomorrow, but it was gloriously clear and sunny on Sunday (yesterday), and the Safety First Motorcycle Gang (Don and I) held our first ride of the season: a trip across the Golden Gate Bridge and up a winding two-lane road to the top of Mt. Tamalpais. We passed many bicycle riders on the way up, but they had the advantage on the way down, approaching speeds of 35 mph and negotiating the tight turns more easily than I could on the motorcycle.

The view was spectacular at the top -- similar to what you see looking out the window of an airplane, with a layer of clouds below. A tourist from Dijon offered to take our photo and Don struck up a conversation in French! I can't improve on Don's trip report, so I'll just provide a link to his blog.

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